(Concentrated mad ramblings with no Preservative from the mind of "JAKE"
Party like a rock star:
today is sunday
Soundtrack: Motley Crue, The Roots, Surfer Rosa
today's movie review: You're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me.
This movie sucks. Further proof of the decadent nature of U.S. culture and the unreality in which its citizens dwell...and the ongoing collapse of the empire. Still boggles my mind how people can produce such utter crap, so divorced from anything and everything real. Doesn't anybody read their Julio Garcia Espinosa anymore?
Oh, excuse me, I just read this week's horoscope. No, excuse me, that's a lie. Just like the lies you tell to children. Can you buy me a soda? But I suppose that would be assuming that U.S. Culture was simply a reification of the universe's bowel movements. Eh, food for though, anyway.
Discussion Topics
1) Burnout is considered one of the major factors influencing the high attrition and turnover rate among those working for social change/social justice. In your experience how much of a factor is burnout in the attrition rate of those working for social justice? (consider yourself and those you work or worked with)
What are the implications for the organization or movement's effectiveness?
Have you gone through periods of burn out and then come back to the work? If so what led you to leave and what brought you back?
2) How do you maintain a balance in your life between your personal life and your work? Do you experience challenges in making time for family/friends/significant other. If so how do you cope with those challenges?
3) Social change work, particularly movement work, can be completely consuming, what do you do for yourself to maintain your sanity? (such as yoga, meditation, kickboxing etc)
4) What resources could be utilized to support sustainability in social change work (at the personal and organizational level)?
5) What is the single biggest barrier to a life style of sustainability in social change work?
6) Can you point to a person you know, either personally or otherwise, who is particularly skilled at supporting sustainability in the context of lifelong engagement with social change work?
What practices, attitudes or philosophies do they espouse/utilize?