Note: some branches are dead
UPDATE: two branches are not listed (undergoing non-mandatory probationary period). Maybe as many as two branch applications may or may not be processed in the future time.
Branch Branch
Twice as fun as your average branch.

Diamond Head
Langhorne Branch

Trevose, Pennsylvania, North America
Makiki Branch

Makiki, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi
destroyed by landlord
Mānoa Branch

Mānoa, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi
formerly in Liliha, Mānoa, Mānoa, and Mōʻiliʻili
Whenever the librarians are awake and feel like letting people inside the library.Maunawili Branch
The only OJPL library with reading companion dogs.

Maunawili, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi
NE Philly Branch

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, North America
New York/California/DC Branch

washington, DC
this branch is transmigratory
University Branch
Formerly located in the heart of beautiful Kaimuki, home to 10,000 restaurants
