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1. Disinformation Metzger, Richard book Langhornein
2. Generation Hex Louv, Jason book Manoain
3. Mickey the Great book Langhornein
4. Mysterious Stranger Blaine, David book Langhornein
5. Myth Conceptions Asprin, Robert book Langhornein
6. Secrets of the Great Magicians Carmichael, Carrie book Langhornein
7. The Invisibles Vol. 1, 1-8 comic Langhornein
8. The Invisibles Vol. 1, 9-16 comic Langhornein
9. The Invisibles Vol. 1, 17-25 comic Langhornein
10. The Invisibles Vol. 2, 1-4 comic Langhornein
11. The Invisibles Vol. 2, 5-13 comic Langhornein
12. The Invisibles Vol. 2, 14-22 comic Langhornein
13. The Invisibles Vol. 3, 12-1 comic Langhornein